Senior Vice Provost for Research
Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Executive Director, Undergraduate Research and Innovation
Newark College of Engineering
Nirwan Ansari
Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Michel Boufadel
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Wenbo Cai
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Raj Dave
Distinguished Professor, Chemical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Engineering
Haim Grebel
Professor, ECE and Director, Electronic Imaging Center
Alex Haimovich
Distinguished Professor, ECE and Ying Wu Endowed Chair Professor, NJCWT
Vivek Kumar
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Jay Meegoda
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bryan Pfister
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Pushpendra SinghProfessor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Kamalesh Sirkar
Distinguished Professor, Chemical Engineering
Lazar Spasovic
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director ITSRC
Roman Voronov
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Daniel Bunker
Professor, Biology
Wenda Cao
Associate Professor, Physics
John Federici
Distinguished Professor, Physics
Burt Kimmelman
Professor, Humanities
Lou Kondic
Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Somenath Mitra
Professor, Chemistry and Environment Sciences
Farzan Nadim
Professor Biological Sciences
Stephen Pemberton,
Professor, History
Gareth Perry
Assistant Professor, Physics
Farnez Shakib
Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences
Michael Siegal
Professor, Mathematical Sciences and Director CAMS
Haimin Wang
Distinguished Professor, Physics
Ying Wu College of Computing
James Geller
Professor, Computer Science
Quentin Jones
Associate Professor, Information Systems
Jing Li
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Chengjun Liu
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Marvin Nakayama
Professor, Computer Science
Yehoshua Perl
Professor, Computer Science
Kurt Rohloff
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Frank Shih
Professor, Computer Science
Margarita Vinnikov
Associate Professor, Informatics
Jason Wang
Professor, Bioinformatics and Computer Science
Martin Tuchman School of Management
Cesar Bandera
Assistant Professor, School of Management
Yi Chen
Assistant Professor, Management
Michael Ehrlich
Associate Professor, Finance
Shanthi Gopalakrishnan
Professor, Management
Hillier College of Architecture and Design
Hyojin Kim
Associate Professor, Hillier College of Arch & Design
Won Hee Ko
Assistant Professor, Hillier College of Arch & Design
Hye Yeon Nam
Associate Professor, Hillier College of Arch & Design
Taro Narahara
Associate Professor, Hillier College of Arch & Design